? Call for essays! ?
The Hmm is a platform for contemporary visual culture. With the events we organise and the research we publish, we want to gain a better understanding of digital visual cultureRead More
The Hmm is a platform for contemporary visual culture. With the events we organise and the research we publish, we want to gain a better understanding of digital visual cultureRead More
We’re super happy to announce Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie are supporting The Hmm in 2018! We have loads of new ideas and things we’d likeRead More
Spectacles is Snapchats veel hippere versie van de Google Glass: een vrolijk gekleurde zonnebril die kan filmen. Net zoals snaps duurt een Spectacles-filmpje niet langer dan 10 seconden. Voor live-eventsRead More