Dossier 15: The Perfect Feed

How much control would you like over it as a user? What would your ā€œPerfect Feedā€ look like? This dossier explores how the content in our feeds is organised from a moderation perspective, as well as the workings of the (graphic) user interfaces we use to access and interact with our feeds.

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Dossier 13: The Metaverse

Currently, billions are being invested in the development of ā€˜the metaverseā€™, but is a single unified place called ā€˜the metaverseā€™ even possible?

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Dossier 11: A Lighter Internet

We always want faster internet speeds and higher resolutions. But what can a ‘lighter internet’ really look like and how can it impact the digital divide and the environment?

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Dossier 10: Screen New Deal

The pandemic opened up opportunities for Big Tech to further infiltrate into all spheres of life. We reflect back on this moment of acceleration and entanglement with Big Tech.

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Dossier 9: Online Fandom

Fan communities are getting more and more powerful both on- and offline. How do these fans, or ‘stans’, organise online to raise money or sabotage presidential campaigns?

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Dossier 5: TikTok

TikTok is the fastest growing social media network ever and a serious competitor of US Big Tech companies. How is TikTok re-writing the world?

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Dossier 2: Deepfakes

While deepfakes are often seen as a threat to our political systems, 96% of all deepfakes are actually porn. Let’s dive into the world of deepfakes through a feminist lens.

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Dossier 1: Quarantine edition

During the pandemic the power of the internet has increased exponentially, deeply altering our ideas around working from home, cultural and social gatherings, and surveillance.

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Dossier 0: Archive

Look back through our pre-2020 archive of commissioned articles and must-see images from writers, artists, researchers, and internet culture fanatics.

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