Job Opening for Communication (16 hours a week)

(Scroll down to read the vacancy in Dutch) The Hmm is a platform for internet and digital cultures. Through events, online research dossiers, and educational programmes, we reflect on people’sRead More


How can a lighter internet be more accessible and sustainable?… Read More

Can Blockchain Contribute to a Lighter Internet?

Saratu Abiola researches if the blockchain can make the internet more inclusive.… Read More

Saratu Abiola is a Masters Student in the University of Amsterdam’s New Media and Digital Cultures program. Before her Masters, she lived in Nigeria where her advocacy work covered in agricultural policy, climate Justice and women’s rights. She is also a freelance writer, and has been published at Open Democracy, Quartz Africa, Guardian Nigeria newspaper, among other places. Her areas of interest include digital activism, big data and social media platforms.

We are Planet Earth: an interview with Andres Colmenares, IAM

Lilian Stolk interviews IAM founder Andres Colmenares about his perspective on a sustainable, accessible, interdependent internet. … Read More

e-Kondƍ time! How can we tidy up our virtual spaces?

With the various platforms and devices we use on a daily basis, it can be hard to start with cleaning them up. Let The Hmm help you out with this handy guide.… Read More


How do fans organise online? And how do they shape our online culture?… Read More

Online fandom: a troubled history

Sjef van Beers introducing online fandom and stan culture… Read More

Meet three stans: someone from the Rihanna Navy, the A.R.M.Y and a Smiler

What’s it like to be a stan? We asked 3 stans to answer this question.… Read More

Why we should not stan: about fandom and the music industry

Lilian Stolk interviews David Turner about why stans, according to David, are one of the worst aspects of the record industry.… Read More


How do you create an interesting experience for both physical and virtual visitors? … Read More

‘We are here together now’ is the crux of every event

Interview with Esther Hammelburg, who is doing her PhD on ‘liveness’, about the essence is of attending an event.… Read More

Sharing Hybrid #01: one year of organising online events

What have we learned after one year of organising online events? We shared experiences with a few other cultural organisations and researchers.… Read More

Sharing Hybrid #02: the first hybrid experiments

Now that physical events can take place again, we reflect on our first hybrid experiences this year.… Read More

Report The Hmm @ Online events

For The Hmm @ Online events we invited 8 artists, cultural organisations and developers to talk about the online event experiments they did.… Read More

The hybrid formats we tested

What hybrid experiments have we tried so far and what can we learn from them? We reflect on three experiences.… Read More

Internet in “the rest of the world”

When things are written about internet culture, especially when written in English, it is often about trends, platforms or tools that are used and developed in North America or Europe. In this article Lilian Stolk explores the internet in “the rest of the world”.… Read More

Resisting Algorithmic Colonialism

A list of initiatives that are developing tools specifically for the African continent or raise awareness of the adoption of Western technologies.… Read More


Can alternative platforms fix the internet? … Read More

ohyay! ohyay! ohyay! A platform that lets you define your own interactions

Lilian Stolk visits the virtual office of Andrew Lin, one of the founders of ohyay.… Read More

Enter: a friendly and experimental digital space

Interview with Florian van Zandwijk, project manager Enter… Read More