
How can a lighter internet be more accessible and sustainable?… Read More

Negar Sanaan Bensi and Paul Cournet on the architecture of data centres

Negar and Paul, editors of the book Datapolis, answer a number of questions taken from our audience chat during our Data Centre Tour.… Read More

Can Blockchain Contribute to a Lighter Internet?

Saratu Abiola researches if the blockchain can make the internet more inclusive.… Read More

Designing an inclusive internet: 6 considerations for the near future

We have to start rethinking the way we approach the internet if we want it to be an inclusive space. After a roundtable discussion last year, these are some points to remember.… Read More

We are Planet Earth: an interview with Andres Colmenares, IAM

Lilian Stolk interviews IAM founder Andres Colmenares about his perspective on a sustainable, accessible, interdependent internet. … Read More

The Power of the Poor Image

Margarita Osipian shares eight inspiring works from the Small File Media Festival—showing the beauty of the tiny image. … Read More

Audio Report: Data Centre Tour

Listen back to our experiences visiting the data centres in the Wieringermeerpolder… Read More

e-Kondō time! How can we tidy up our virtual spaces?

With the various platforms and devices we use on a daily basis, it can be hard to start with cleaning them up. Let The Hmm help you out with this handy guide.… Read More