
What does the increase in the use of facial recognition systems mean for our society?… Read More

Can AR filters protect us against facial recognition technology?

In this article Lilian Stolk is questioning if the tool that obscures our faces is also protecting us against facial recognition systems.… Read More

Asymmetrical Power: The intransparency of the Dutch Police

In this interview with Jair Schalkwijk and Naomi Appelman, we try to bring some transparency to the use of facial recognition technologies in law enforcement. … Read More

The Self Design Committee: How a face filter might or might not democratize self-design

In our image contribution, designer Noam Youngrak Son moves away from the selfie as an individual experience and explores the creation of a multiplicious identity. … Read More

Noam Youngrak Son inscribes myths for the underrepresented in various mediums, from books to performances to 3D printed sex toys. They are excited about the unexpectedness that a well-designed fiction can open up, and the critical political discussions that it may cultivate. They use their capability as a designer to visualize and materialize the setup for the technological & ecological bodies in their fiction to play roles in.

Ouch faces: how facial recognition could be valuable

An interview about how facial recognition technology could bring something good to humanity, with multidisciplinary researcher Emily West.… Read More

Creative Erasure: How to hack facial recognition technologies

Can artists and designers protect us from facial recognition systems? We’ve gathered the best projects that protect your face. … Read More


How has the role of the internet changed in this time of self isolation?… Read More

Life after lockdown: Do we have to give up our privacy for public health?

An interview about privacy, surveillance and the Corona-app with Lotte Houwing from Bits of Freedom… Read More

Get fired! An artist’s view on work, precarious labour, and the far-reaching demand for flexibility from artists.

An interview with artist Alina Lupu about the quarantine’s impact on precarious labour, cultural work, and the platform economy… Read More

Jitsi? Zoom? Twitch? We set out to find the best platform for online cultural events.

Our findings of the live stream experiment we did on 29 April 2020… Read More

Digital hoarding in the time of quarantine

The top 10 must-have quarantine items from AliExpress, selected by Jolie van Wijngaarden… Read More

Bored in the House: self-isolation on TikTok

Sjef van Beers’ favorite TikTok collection in this period of self-isolation.… Read More

When parents become meme-lovers

Hmm-friend Deborah Meibergen has been bombarded with Coronavirus-inspired memes by her parents. She shares her favorites.… Read More

Quiz: Corona Cribs

Over the past few weeks we got a glance into the homes of several TV stars. Guess which celebrity’s these cribs belong to.… Read More


What is a deepfake? And do these videos really destabilise our democracies? … Read More

If deepfakes are a threat, this is it: A feminist perspective on the impact of deepfake pornography.

An essay providing a feminist perfective on deepfake porn by Lilian Stolk. What is the impact of deepfake porn on the position of women?… Read More

An Entangled History: Porn, technology, and the future of deepfakes

An essay by Margarita Osipian about whether the entangled history between porn and emerging technologies gives us a glimpse into the future of deepfakes. … Read More

A future scenario for deepfakes: personalised synthetic advertising

An image contribution by Lenka Hamosova.… Read More

Lenka is a design researcher and lecturer based in Prague. In her critical design practice, she embraces fiction and speculative approach in tackling ethical issues of the latest technological advancements and envisions the future scenarios of AI-generated synthetic media, transparency of visual communication and visual perception in the post-truth era. She regularly writes and lectures on the frictions in visual culture, design and architecture, organizes workshops and participates in several educational programmes. From 2020 she’s teaching Speculative Design at MA Future Design, Prague College.

Our 5 favourite deepfake videos

A collection of must see deepfakes selected by The Hmm’s editorial team.… Read More

How to recognize a deepfake?

A guide with 6 ways to expose a deepfake video.
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