These are the images you have to see in April 2018

Selected by Cyanne van den Houten.… Read More

These are the images you have to see in March 2018

Selected by Harris Blondman.… Read More

? The Hmm 2018 ? ? <3 ❤️ | Support & sign up!

We’re super happy to announce Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie are supporting The Hmm in 2018! We have loads of new ideas and things we’d likeRead More

The Hmm @ De Tanker | Wed 6 Sep at 20:00

Back from summer break, we’re continuing our exploration through the city of Amsterdam. For this edition we’re guests at an old gas station in the North of Amsterdam: De Tanker.Read More

The Hmm @ Worm, Rotterdam | Wed 21 June at 20:30

We’re really happy to announce that one of our longtime most favorite places in the country is hosting us! On Wednesday June 21st The Hmm is touching down at Worm,Read More

April/May 2017: #gardenspicer, the banal, Humble & how nothing beats a good cat picture.

WINNER This image organically reached the Facebook timeline of more than a million people within 24 hours, making it the most successful post ever on my page Grappig Plaatje. JustRead More

The Hmm @ VondelCS | Wed 3 May at 20:00

VondelCS (yes, the old film museum in Vondelpark) is hosting The Hmm on Wednesday March 3rd. Expect the visual language of contemporary feminism, how to become an influencer in 30Read More

March 2017: A global imaginary, Pepsi, fun with flags and a social criticism starter pack

A GLOBAL IMAGINARY Is there such a thing as a global culture with a distinct “imaginary”? If there is, it must be sought in the commercial products many global citizensRead More

The Hmm @ FC Hyena | Wed 5 April at 19:00

We’re kicking off the 2017-season with lots of fashion, technology and alternative realities. We’re honored to have Martijn van Boven, a clever artist and teacher, as our first guest curator.Read More

Dutch election edition

It was perhaps the most visual campaign period ever. Jesse Klaver was the first Dutch politician with an image-advisor, someone who makes him appear well on camera and takes careRead More

Subscribe now to receive our monthly must-sees!

Every month a group of The Hmm image editors puts together the must-sees you might’ve missed, didn’t spend enough time with or can’t get enough of. Images that are characteristicRead More

Spectacles verslaggever gezocht!

Spectacles is Snapchats veel hippere versie van de Google Glass: een vrolijk gekleurde zonnebril die kan filmen. Net zoals snaps duurt een Spectacles-filmpje niet langer dan 10 seconden. Voor live-eventsRead More

The Hmm # 6 | Sat 5 November 2016 | Foam Amsterdam

The Hmm en Bits of Freedom presenteren surveillance dichtbij huis. In 5 x 5 minuten leer je over Google als natiestaat, dat door rood lopen in een algoritmische wereld échtRead More

The Hmm # 5 | Thu 11 Aug 2016 | Kamata Bridge, Tokyo

Details: DATE: Thursday August 11, 2016 LOCATION: Kamata Bridge, Tokyo ENTRANCE: ¥1,200 (tickets only available at the door)… Read More

The Hmm #4 | Wed 22 June ’16 at 21:00 | Oedipus, Amsterdam

Details: DATE: Wednesday June 22, 2016 TIME: Doors open @ 20:30h, start @ 21h TICKETS: €8 (available @ the door) LOCATION: Oedipus Brewing, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 85, Amsterdam… Read More