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29 April, 20:00 CEST

The Hmm IN Quarantine

In this time of quarantine we’re Zoom’ing with our colleagues, FaceTiming with friends and family, and binge-watching all the Netflix series’. Our entire social life has become virtual. It seems like the internet is dragging us through the difficult period of self isolation. With The Hmm, we’re always reflecting on our online behaviour, but how has this changed over the last weeks? What is the role of the internet in the time of quarantine?

Because we’re no longer able to organise physical events until June, we’re forced to move our activities to the virtual world. But how? Many of the platforms we’re using now are meant for virtual meetings and video calls with colleagues, but not for live streaming events. And certainly not for streaming cultural events. How can we hack some of the existing platforms to use them for a virtual The Hmm event? How do the platforms and tools we use determine and reshape the experience? We’ll be investigating these questions, and many more, during an experimental online version of The Hmm: a livestream experiment.

* Here you can read more about the outcome of this experiment. *

How does it work?

We’ve invited 5 speakers who will each do 5-minute talks about the role of the internet during the coronavirus pandemic. Each speaker will be presenting on a different video conferencing platform, so as a visitor you jump from platform to platform to view all the presentations. You can watch for free.

Schedule with links

20:00 – 20:05 Starting up on YouTube
20:05 – 20:15 01 – YouTube with Wouter de Boer
20:15 – 20:20 Switch to Twitch
20:20 – 20:30 02 – Twitch with Fariborz Karimi
20:30 – 20:35 Switch to Discord
20:35 – 20:45 03 – Discord with Sjef van Beers
20:45 – 20:50 Switch to Zoom
20:50 – 21:00 04 – Zoom with Esther van Brakel & Joran Backx
21:00 – 21:05 Switch to Jitsi
21:05 – 21:15 05 – Jitsi with Cas Van de Ven
21:15 – 21:20 After Talk with Esther Crabbendam

General rules

  • During the stream or conference please stay muted and don’t turn on your video.
  • You can ask questions to the speakers or answer quiz questions via the chat.
  • If you (or we) run into trouble, or if too many people participate (some platforms allow a limited number of visitors) come on over to Twitch where we’ll also be simultaneously streaming the talks that are happening on Discord, Zoom, and Jitsi.
  • Most platforms have the best experience in a Chrome browser.


Coming up

